Are they ever going to fix the deadzones on console?
Am I missing something?
Would lowering the ttk make omnimovement a better experience?
Call of SMGs
Would anyone be interested in a Cascadia themed custom map?
I wish they made Verdansk the big map for MW3
Baker's Battle Question
This is nuts. Like why?
Night sniper kills vs bots
Dying light vs Dead island
Is COD MW 1 (2019) worth it just for campaign/singleplayer
would you agree to end the weapons leveling system?
Skyrim, Outer Worlds, or something else for someone new to open world RPGs?
Does anyone have that bug too?
Played bo6 zombies vs MWZ
Is mw22 worth it currently on steam for 28 dollars (steam spring sale)
It's not the map or even the goofy skins. The game is not fun.
Random question but how do you feel about my loadout for the Cypher91
Al-Qatala propaganda
He will be.. errrn nvm...
Baker's bringing the turf war to Payday
Warzone needs more casual players
Instead of having us pin camo challenges, they should automatically show what camo challenges are left for the currently equipped weapon
Master Prestige and Still Hacking