What do offmap factories represent?
Why is Turkey’s focus tree so hated?
Want portraits for characters showing up in a historical game? That will be €20 please
Why is there a War Escalation Level mechanic without the BBA if Ethiopia cannot interact with it without a focus tree?
The Vanilla Experience: It is one thing if the DLC does not deliver the bang for its buck. But GoE has made the non-DLC version objectively LESS immersive.
you want beautiful portraits? ha!!!! Pay big money for useless DLC!!!
Unfinished Sadabad Pact shared focus tree in the game files
Is this in your all’s game. I don’t have any mods installed…
TNO who, KR what? Vanilla's writing is amazing, i would pay double for this level of quality.
So is Graveyard of Empires yet another disaster? What do you think about the future of Hearts of Iron IV?
New Raj Tree is terrible, especially the historical path.
Why is the portrait of Carl Gustav Fleischer so dope
Trial of Allegiance has 4% rating on Steam
Pirates of Carribean reference in the Raj alt-historical dev diaries (Paradox has gone crazy)
What are people’s thoughts on Road To 56?
Paradox HOI4 portraits policy
Ranking ideologies based on HOI4 focus trees.
Why does the new Horthy portrait look so weird?
Prezident Petr Pavel ve svém druhém novoročním projevu opět vyjádřil svojí podporu k přijetí eura.
Guys I found Kruchtchev ! What happenned to him ?
Návrhy na vlajku České republiky po rozdělení Československa
Thoughts on new loading screen
Hearts of Iron IV Götterdämmerung Pre Release Patch Notes
Developer Diary | Alt-History Germany