Issues with SunLu PLA+
A1 Mini Nozzle Swap
Massive Changelog: High Quality Settings Version 1.2. Better Overhangs, More Consistency, Less Curling, A1 Mini Support and more. This is going to be a long one.
Gun Sights - Question
Love my list, what are some weaknesses?
First (almost) completly 3D-Printed Army
Wondering if I’m alone in feeling like the worst player with my teammates
How I deal with people trying the pickaxe thing on me. Aka: Ruining my fun relaxing drive around.
Is it that difficult to have the characters actually ride the motorcycles?
Made some PRE SUPPORTED HIGH QUALITY PRIME BEEF get it before it gets wacked
Found hiding
Was this teaming? As far as I know hired characters always display the exclamation mark when they spot someone and have that glitchly look?
My career stats are gone!!! 😭😭😭
Codex: Space Marine Detachments + Oath of Moment
SBMM Broken?
Let’s talk about this bio form-day 6 ripper swarms r
Sportsmanship and playing Fortnite with my son.
Help with my tyranid list please
40K Terrain Layout Tool
My 4th grade math problem from 30 years ago. (2)
Question about LOS, Benefit of Cover and Shooting
What do you think about my 1000 list?
And here I thought all weapons were hitscan!
Making a Lieutenant/Captain