What’s the proper procedure here? Deliver the mail or is this box blocked?
Why does vehicle maintenance expect the rest of us to be educated on their jobs?
"Some people feel the current administration is anti labor"
Can I get a hell no?
Keys to our survival
Charlie Miller?
How is Diamonds and Lace really?
An emergency executive council meeting has been called for 7pm eastern time. Shits getting interesting
Last offer was 1.3, 1.6, 1.7 Took away the 1000k step p Took away one step. Ptfs started at 1$ less and hour
Why does this city feel so big, yet feel so small?
Aggressive dogs
I changed my mind about kids and I hate myself
Broad St Taco Bell
Simpler times(90’s Chattanooga/North Georgia kids roll call)
Not a fight in hell.
Renfroe just got a sneak peak into what 2026 is going to look like
Rick Davis in the Just Busteds again.
USPS won’t deny a CCA position to anyone
No heat in LLV
Language on using scanner data for discipline?
Events to meet people with my same interests?
When am I due for my 2nd uniform allowance?
Trump considering replacing Dejoy. Yay AND Uh oh!