This might be a stupid question but can you just have a sponsor and not do AA and successfully stay sober
Where should an attractive Black 29 yo go for his 30th Birthday?
I want to cut my friend off but she did nothing wrong
Anytime Anyplace doesn't get enough Love for me
What the actual F did i experience
Are there any other black men on here just sick and tired of being black and made to feel ugly ?
What Happen to Popular Male R&B Artist?
Is scrubs worth watching?
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
How do people with siblings hate eachother?
Drop your favorite songs that encapsulates losing a friend.
how to make gay men friends....?
In terms of attractiveness, how would you rank the live action Supermen?
AIO I unfollow girl and this is how she reacts and I think it’s excessive
These two have all the warmth of a penguin on an iceberg.
Does anyone actually like Drew?
Got 1 VIP ticket for sale for Vegas
Ciara - Body Party (2013)
What were some signs you showed of being gay during childhood?
What were some signs you showed of being LGBTQ+ during childhood?
Not Alcoholic?
What do you think of Mariah’s music?
Are we feeling her or what do yall think? Yeah or naw?
Here are my most-played albums of the year so far. Which ones are your favorites?
I don’t drink every day. Am I an alcoholic?
Feeling resentful and wrathful of eurocentrism and POC.