Someone's video that I found while scrolling. who's the songs' artist and what's the name of this song?
I wish the rain would never stop
Is Macbeth a Villain or a Hero?
was Macbeth jealous of Banquo's praises by Duncan? Was Duncan more pleased by Banquo than Macbeth? was there just greed or jealousy as well in the decision of killing Duncan?
What is the loneliest thing you've ever done?
Why is it that we do not sympathize with the lady Macbeth as we do with Macbeth?
Othello killed desdemona by his hands then why she was alive till Emilia came. She even said her last words. She wasn’t stabbed or anything then how can she talk then die?
what anime is this?
Why Hamlet broke up with Ophelia? 🦧
what are the names of these dramas?
Where can I watch forecasting love and weather without Netflix
Someone in the crowd
What are your favourite lines from Julius Caesar?
Need some suggestions for super engaging korean drama, that you have finished overnight?
I blocked my elder brother and he doesn’t care
Julius Caesar Play query??
Why people cheat if they are in love?
dylan is weird
Is there a way to say "like"?
New Learner here 🖐️ I need resources and tips, tricks that worked for you