House not selling - what to do?
36 years old, have 505k in cash and need to turn it into monthly income
How did she do it?
purchase a house with $3,000 cash max?
How is Tesla, a car company with declining sales, trading at 160 P/E ratio?
If U.S. Billionaires don't pay taxes, why is the govn't planning to give them tax breaks?
Here’s why unemployment is higher, wages are lower and growth less robust than government statistics suggest.
Reagan Ruined everything and we are still paying for it. Trickle down economics my @$$
How long would you stay in a mortgage free house?
Anybody add extra to their investments with the drop today, or are you scared of the economy dropping more?
If Musk Cut 50% of Federal Employees…
How did Trump's presidency impact your life so far?
What do these billionaires want? What is their endgame?
Middle class ppl who paid full price for Ivy+, was it worth it?
Canadian grocery store shelves empty except ones made in USA
Late stage capitalism is about getting rid of the poor gen
Buyers realtor is asking to raise their commission from 1.5 to 2.5%. Is that normal?
Genuinely curious
So Trans Fencers are OFFICIALLY being attacked. Now what?
President Trump announces Executive Order coming next week to end paper straws: “BACK TO PLASTIC”
Got a Yale likely letter as a YES scholar
Daughters ask dad to read "brainrot" terms
Louis is kinda a jerk
I have a confession to make since 2025 will be 25 years since the event happened