We need update!
Yeah i may quit this bullshit and poorly made game
New to the game, and this guy became my rival after returning three times!
Who exactly does techno refer to when he says "blood god"
What is this blue ball
Since I'm back at grinding SR progression...I have one question
Crystal of Prodigy and Soukotsu
Whats the max level for fishbone hollow?
How does fire even work in this game?
Need help
Okay y'all, since my last drip was shit, i remade it
Adolf Hitler was a ____ guy
Describe an anime badly and I’ll guess what it is
touch some mew and grass
Yeah resetting my skill set is my BIGGEST L to my entire game
why am i randomly taking damage?
[ps5] I am a new player on Elden ring can I have some runes please
Do skins transfer
randomly found a chest with this stuff
i need to know wath is the best race in peroxide?
Is there any testers in here?
Finally, after 1 and a half year of learning solo, I did it
Anyone know what this is??
who's the strongest being.