Guys I might of stumbled into the wrong universe....
question, how long does it take to receive the physical copy
in your opinion, who is the absolute best mid lain in the game right now?
We fucking did it
Why are people still like this
Seriously, when is this beta over for cross save?
Anyone else think King Arthur will be a weaker Mordred?
Why do people kill horses in pvp?
How do I convince sec to de-arm?
Hi I saw this game on sale it looks really nice 1 how complicated is it to understand 2 should I just buy the base game to start with or also buy some dlc thanks
Is this a legit copy from amazon?
If you had to fight a Demon's Souls boss irl, which one would you choose?
Just had a ranked game where my support bought 0 wards in 40 mins
Its the best looking souls game imo (screenshot don’t do it justice)
I GOT MY GED ! I'm 19 I dropped out this year after not having enough credits , I'm going to take my asvab and go to the air force 🙏🏽🎉
How many wandering tokens ya got? (Those who didn't buy the wandering market)
I forgot how fun AA "Bonk" Ymir was
Game is uninviting to new players
Achilles got an actual remodel on his face in Open Beta 5.
Is anubis OP at the moment????
I find this embarrassing and unfair!
Earthquake spell underrated
How do we feel about the next group of gods?
Druid and Shaman Multis that never were and how they'd stack up
What do I put behind my desk in my office?