i found an easter egg in undertale
Luxx who should go home
Met Joost in London
Is anyone excited about these actors in the new Odyssey movie?
Ezreal Adventures Part 1!
The great Cthulhu rise up
The age transition is a fantastic mechanic
Voice Actors, What's Your Dream Role?
Aspiring actors: How do you keep track of your auditions? Looking to chat!
Why is the Quarry listed as “LGBTQ+” game? All we got is Dylan saying he’s into Ryan 😭
Has their been a Leak?
she didn't have to do this when the bells had been rung 😭 everything she did so far was still forgiveable but not this...
Why is HW listed an as “LGBTQ+” game and the rest are not, what did Freddy do here
A lot of people say that the rampant sexism and racism in this game is for every game and not just this, but the fact that this game is based on a comic universe makes the racism and sexism noticeably more rampant than most popular games out right now.
Riot is making a new league of legend live action film!!!!
Is anyone else tired of the “security?”
META: Leave unironic hate out of here. Please.
Why do I want jinx so badly?
Heel lovers are eating really good as of late. Who's been your favorite heel in wrestling so far?
I feel so bad for Nakamura
Let's say you have a time machine: which particular moment, match or PPV you would go back in time, and relive inside the arena, on the front row, near the ring? BUT you only have one chance, only can select one moment. Let's hear it :)
For the actors that got paid 50-150k for a single commercial. (Multiple questions) were you sag? And were you submitted by an agent?
What's a hill you're willing to die on in this game
Fix your fucking game you fat cunt
Rec Room Data Breach?