Blush recommendations for wam/neutral olive skin?
I can’t believe this community is still doing “what does my perfume collection say about me” posts
AIO for not quitting the gym because my boyfriend told me to
What's a perfume you hated the opening of but loved the dry down?
$900 in less than an hour and I didn’t even let him cum
Only one perfume for the rest of your life! What are you wearing?
Frustrated virgin looking to be friendzoned and humiliated
Reimbursing is a dream
2 months ago vs now. thoughts?
Is IPv6 actually used anywhere?
Alopecia has anyone had timeline or how to fix ?
First time playing hazard level 4 and they fucking got me
I think I’m done with online dating for now
Did a little shopping….here’s the 99¢ haul!
Trying to do a hot cocoa inspired look using new Patrick Ta
i wanna be sexualized & i feel gross
Tried polyamory and omg why are so many of them so unattractive and some look like they haven't showered.
Milano: Luna e Sole
I'm cutting off all my boyfriend's friends
Which color suits me best?
I got that autrizzm
The poem vs the image referenced
She was bleeding
Which hair color suits me best?
Slow Carb Lunch Moroccan Braised Chicken Lentils Smoked Paprika & Tomato