What would you do if you found out the person you were dating was actually dating somone else and cheating on them with you?
Women of reddit, what did that one girl at school get in trouble for?
Men of reddit, what did that one girl at school get in trouble for?
I need tips to beat sans on switch
What video game do you think has the best soundtrack?
What is the most successful "scam" in American culture?
What's the weirdest thing you ever saw another human being do?
What's the best response to someone calling you names?
How do you tell someone that you don’t want to hang out ever again?
Whats the worst place to have a tiny scratch on?
If there was a "YouTube Hall of Fame", what videos or creators belong on there?
What’s the best response to “you’re weird”?
What sandwich is made worse when you add cheese?
What video games have the best music? If so what is your favorite song from that game
What will be the death of humanity?
People of reddit, what would/did you do if you caught one of your parents cheating on the other?
What video game gives you the most nostalgia?
What video game gives you the most nostalgia
People who caught one of their parents cheating on the other, what happend?
If you could do one thing and be guaranteed to not fail, what would it be?
Do you remember the hardest you’ve ever laughed? What happened?
what is the most annoying thing your sibling has ever done?
If you could use magic to instantly learn something, what subject or skill would you pick?
What is the worst reason to have a baby? Why?
What is the best excuse for not picking up a call?