How do you refer to a hispanic little person?
Why didnt Hans Sololike his steak?
what kind of pie with pisses off people?
Male bees die after mating the first time. That’s their whole life…
Remember folks, driving in snow is like eating pussy...
The new Australian short-sleeved, marsupial shirts are REALLY good! In fact, you could say they have a high level of…..
Well...I just found out you can’t run in campgrounds...
DID YOU KNOW....french fries arent cooked in France?
Why do we call them dentists and not...
Why was the math book depressed?
What do you call an anorexic with a yeast infection?
What do you call a pirate who urinates on peple?
New name for olives!
New name for Communion Wafers!
BOSS: Welcome everyone to our companies outing today…
ME: “Why do you call your ass ‘Minivan’?
What will you see if you visit a haunted strip club?
Did I ever tell you all about my ex girlfriend who died from fentanyl?
ME: one time I farted so long & loud I thought my ass would stop and take a breath...
Why are women in the Postal service….
heehee my wife told me last night if I turned out the light I could put it in her butt….
When women get to a certain age, they begin to collect cats…
Honey…you’d think from watching all those cooking shows you’d know how to cook.
**Update** For those who asked, my wife is doing ok.
So Nike just came out with a tennis shoe for girls who like girls...