Should automation by purely mechanical, or software?
Question Regarding Noise levels of Starship/Superheavy Model
SPMT rolling in
I'm making a model of 777-300ER, and I would want to know if you would want to it included with retractable gear. (35 cm in length, it is possible) And also assume that you 3d print it, and gear would add maybe 10-15 extra parts, for free
Help! Print keeps failing
Ship 34 is rolling to Massey for static fire(NSF
I am trying to print a 1.5 mm hole, and it has some issues
Something is going on with ship 32, maybe Scrapping
What was the smallest mechanical thing you printed on a fdm printer, and how does it compare to a resin one?
Elon says Raptor 4 is in discussion(Planned)
The tower communication antennas were bent, the structure, but I also suspect the antennas could have been damaged
Have you ever made, or bought a RC Starship/ Superheavy?
Remains of booster floating after post-splashdown tip and explosion
Watching on fire stick?
Elon says V3 of Starship will fly in one year(end of 2025)
Anyway to make these smoother/eliminate the layer lines?
Can't understand the maths here
3D printed 1:144 Scale Functional Mechazilla with Ship and Booster
Private División has been bought
In one year SpaceX went from blowing a booster and ship, to catching a booster, and landing the ship, which will be in Daylight!
B14.1 is now famous
Any books or online course suggestions on learning Quantum theory?
Finally updated Starship to V2 and V3
What do lego use for their motors(since I saw somebody, making a drone fly, four of them 500 grams of thrust)
Imagine the Day when Intelligent life is found elsewhere(Is it possible to find life)