Pic is kinda unrelated but all I see in here is Charlie Kane and his son lol
I prefer when the remains of my opponents stay in the battlefield instead of vanishing after exploding
(The perfect twisted metal game Day 2) y’all picked 2012 for controls and physics, let’s see what you’ll pick for roster
All old ark player i summon you
If a Mad Max game was released for PS2 this is what it would look like
Is it just me or is it kinda foggy in here
Twisted Metal Rage (Head-on sequel ideas)
Is it just me or…?
Twisted Metal 2012 drivers
Shout out to Mad Max fans!
It's been 13 years since the last TM
You are tasked to make a spin off game, what is the game you are making?
What made you choose your God ?
FUN FACT: Spine Buster has a radar detector on the dashboard! Wylde really didn't wanna go back.
Are you not the one who travels to forget?
I can’t enjoy food anymore
Any whispers of a new game?
What keeps you going?
Straight laced marine feeling heretical..
Do you like the holidays,Sweet Tooth?
Impossible Circumstance
[OC] Wanted to combine two of my favorite animated series here
If there was a Twisted Metal movie in the 2000s, who would your cast and director be?
My home
My Black on Black Tapejara