I see blood now-
Help me oh great petah.
I don't get it.
Average Reddit experience
Explain 'cause I got no idea.
Make me understand, Peter.
There was a white sprinkle between my pure sprinkles
F**k prime, I paid money and still get ads, this is insane >:(
One-Punch man Season 3 official PV 1
I put my side panel on and it didnt shatter. Am i doing something wrong?
Karlson just got added to the Nintendo eShop
Little Timmy never recovered 😔
Rip in piece to all the little Timmys
Is it a joke or am I being stupid?
which mods/playstyles got you like this
My daughter asked me how would I feel if she was pregnant…
Bought Far Cry 3, refunded because of horrible experience. Much better with crack.
Protest in Potato
Thanks for the help
You're stuck on a plane for 12 hours, what seat are you taking?
I just received this "Like New" X670E from Amazon, does this CPU Socket appear DAMAGED? Any advice would be appreciated!
Wittle teeny tiny baby RTX4060