Why does A save Spencer?
Who do you pick?
who was burying Jessica?
I finally bought the wicked novel! And a perfectly pink little friend to read this story with...
Can someone put my baby anywhere near/in the center of this blanket? (you can choose either picture) I’ll tip!
Saw this and had to ask on here: What’s the cringiest scene/ line from the show
Who is the hottest person on PLL?
Anytime tana talks lately
Peter Hastings is a SLUT
You have a 10 hour flight, where are you sitting??
Who would you wanna spend 24 hours with?
“That line just got a little blurry”
Chuck's worst outfits (disclaimer at the top)
I found yall while pregnant with my first baby..
What are you guys favorite gay ships within the tvdu
Who was the worst character in the whole series iyo?
I saw this post in another sub, and was thinking what if for some crazy reason there was a crossover between Pll and Degrassi? Who would you want to be friends/enemies?
Which LGBTQ+ couple was the most iconic ? : Maya and Emily or Tara and Willow from Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Which political party?
You have $40 to build your dream team. The rest will be trying to kill you. Your life is in your hands.
Who do you think their political parties are?
I don’t believe it
if you could switch any of the girls’ and who they’re with, with someone else who’d they be with instead?
Here me out again 😂
Hear me out…