If you could build around a functional reprint, what would it be?
Budget Draw engines
[US, US] [H] Journey Together hits, Binders, PPGS, old bulk, sealed pack art sets [W] Wishlists, Binders
Any deck recommendation for a YuGiOh! player?
Trying to start YouTube channel would love some advice 🙏
Giving away a free code for a foundations prerelease pack. Accidentally bought it before realizing it can only be redeemed once.
[US-NJ] (H) Blackwings, Vintage, Staples, Other Card Games (W) GOAT Vintage List, Playmats, Other Card Game Trades
[US,US] [H] Personal Collection: High-end SwSH Era Hits, Alt Arts, Full set of Celebrations [W] PayPal, Specific Wishlist, Salamence Cards
theHunter Armory (Updated)
[US,US] [H] binder, singles, modern, vintage, bulk from modern to base [W] any trades, Vaporeon TG, cyndaquil line cards
(US-SC)[H] YuGiOh accessories from Amanda Lapalme and Stayclassy, field centers and playmats [W] PayPal
[US,NJ] [H] Vintage Holos, Base & Jungle C/Us, Japanese Vintage C/Us, Meta Staples [W] List
[US, US] [H] singles, slabs, prismatic masterballs/pokeballs, low-end lots, baby shinies, binder [W] PP, trades
[US, US] [H] Modern Trade Binder [W] Trades, Wantlist
Glimpse of Nature
[US-NV] [H] binders, QCRs Plats and common/Rare older original prints[W] Paypal
[US-NJ] (H) Swordsouls, Blackwings, Vintage, Staples (W) GOAT Vintage List
[US, NY][H] Vintage Lot [W] PayPal
[USA-TX][H]LODT 1st Ryko, Ulti 1st Thestalos, LON 1st Torrential, edison low end, etc. [W] Money, List
[USA - LA] (H) Vintage and modern hits, slabs, singles, Sealed SDY and SDK, errors. Pokemon (W) PayPal and trades! Will look at any cool high rarity stuff and collectors items, and WOTC era pokemon or modern alt arts!
Advice on my cube?
Should I read I Have No Mouth and I Must scream?
My First Lil' Cube
What are your Synergy Cube Power Nine?
Best artifact removal in unpowered?