Reminder to not scroll on this sub/any other relationship subreddit too much
New video showing mid air collision on Potomac
Can a muslim be a pilot for an airline that serves alcohol?
No dating in Islam! But why??
Is it allowed to ask potential if he/she ever watched porn?
Weekly Marriage Criteria & Services Megathread!
Are Radiographers/Medical Radiation Technologist (basically the people who do Xray, Ct scans, Mri) Considered TN-Eligible?
What are some certs that increase earning potential ($150k+)?
Pick your poison sisters. *I laughed harder than I should’ve at this*
Update: Wife can’t get over me missing her ceremony
Anyone else dismiss a potential when you were first looking, only to realize after searching for while that she/he was actually OK?
STRIKES WORK! Boeing releases a better contract proposal!
New contract offer
How do you know if you should just live with something you don't like about your spouse or when you should speak out?
Why are people so sour when they blunder? Lol
New to this game. Am I doing this right?
What is the line between personal preference and racism/xenophobia?
Should I choose a CS Masters pathway or a Radiology Technologist pathway?
This is common in this sub. Of course there are situations where one does need to divorce or seperate, but it should be the final resort.
What Are The Most Satisfying/Enjoyable Careers That Earn 100K+???
Weekly Career/Prospective Student Post
Career Advice - Radiology Technologist vs Sonographer
Can someone please clarify something to me about ARRT's list of recognized accreditation agencies.