When did you start gaining weight?
What was the best thing about your birth experience?
What name have you decided on for your baby?
Please tell me y’all keep your boobs after you give birth.
What's your baby made of today?
Scared of future pregnancies
Do you plan on getting pregnant again after your current pregnancy?
Getting a harsh reality check on daycare prices
NIPT @ 10w1d. Did you get results or was it inconclusive?
Birth Plan
Where are we getting Tall/Plus size maternity clothes?
How much weight have you gained so far?
When did you feel your baby move?
Ultrasound at 14w?
Does my weight mean I can’t carry a healthy pregnancy?
who else has Noah as their top artist?
Employer Hired My Replacement Early Due to Pregnancy Without Warning — Is This Legal in Michigan?
Sooo what is everyone taking for constipation??
Middle names that go well with Sage?
Can I be denied time off for an appointment?
Remote jobs?
MIL cried at my gender reveal because she didn’t get what she wanted.
Are Granny square baby blankets safe? I am making this for a friends baby and just got worried is this a good pattern for a baby or could their toes or fingers get caught up in it?
AITA for wanting to be in control of my own baby shower??
Child care