Anybody else still watch on a CRT TV?
Pod Meets World: Patti Carr Meets World
Olivia's newest story on IG. We've heard bits and pieces of what Ethan did, but the whole story must have been wild.
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
How big was the show to people the same age as the characters?
If you could have anyone, real or not, as a GPS voice, who would you choose?
The preacher side
Now Unitarian?
Day 1, day 4, and day 7 I think I'm getting better at doing my makeup what you think??
Episode 513 “The Eskimo”
1969=2025. A call for all your strength. Explanation will be in the body text
Disney episode
The Exact Location of Boy Meets World (Cedar Heights in Conshohocken, PA in Montgomery County, Suburbs of Philadelphia)
Be honest did you send one ?
Is anyone curious of why Danielle described her experience with Girl Meets World being tumultuous?
Bilingual people of reddit, whats an English word or phrase that was an absolute nightmare to learn or understand?
Some Men Get It
The Maitland Ward and Danielle Fishel Podcast Drama: A Balanced Breakdown
Rant: Can companies please stop using the 75% temp conversion for Air fry instructions? It is bad and you should feel bad
eyeliner or no eyeliner
Do you remember your last church of Christ service you attended?
Helo shade matching
Tangled Swings ride idea
Help me help my daughter