4x your salary or 200k per month tax free, but it'll be a random job I give you
elderly women swooning over trump.
How’d y’all become/get your zookeeping jobs
Hex or not to hex - help!
Community College Transfers
I have failed her
NOT MY VIDEO: This was featured in my snapchat spotlights 🤦♀️
Did/do you hate yourself? Why?
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?
Is this for real or a bot?
What is the most tedious part of being a zookeeper?
I've now realised after all these years I've been the biggest enabler to AH. Not in getting him alcohol etc but by staying with him I've enabled him. I wasted my life..I'm mourning my life wasted
Zookeeper Appreciation Week
He Forgot to Log Out, and I Watched My Marriage Fall Apart in Real-Time
Favorite of the large African mammals?
Do alcoholics smell?
They want a reason
Tillis is something else.
Stress and Edibles
AITA for refusing to let my girlfriend bring her dead dog’s ashes on vacation?
Kinkajou Enrichment
zoo internship drug test