Bugged Trial of Will: Ambition
Why isn’t Austin Reaves getting any Most improved player hype?
Lackluster loot in expert Court of blades
What I’ve Learned as a solo “Free To Play” Player
Barrow dyad quest glitch?
Weavewalk is criminally underrated in PvE
Come on KD!!
The drop rates for Act 2 adepts are abysmal.
Has anyone hit 13 challengers in Court of Blades yet?
Guardian Games rigged?
Got top of class quest for that exotic machine gun
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
Austin Reaves checks out with 30/7/6 on 57/38.5/100 shooting against the Spurs.
Stop incorporating pvp in every fking event
Jalen is showing out
I think I figured out how to fix my shot…It was so simple I feel dumb
Solo Flawless Sundered Doctrine in LESS than 20 Minutes! (19:36 WR)
Hot take : why I think liberty falls is one of the best maps we got in years , if not the best map
the tome of want is cool but feels pointless once you start going for the adepts
Do we REALLY need to be sending sweaty whispers over Seasonal Activities?
My buddy insists this is a reboot, not a continuation
Brainlets this, blueberries that, you're cultivating an environment that punishes learning.
Are Raid Bosses Too Easy?
Ursa Furiosa > Well of radiance