drop one of your “on repeat” songs
‘It cannot be possible’
The Sopranos quiz (wrong answers only)
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
You're bedridden for 72 hours. What show are you binge watching?
Since most people on this sub don't like him, here's a challenge: say something nice about Billy (also known as B-True) (Season 21)
Do u agree with this ?
Who's your HK crush?
Best GTA theme song?
Who’s your confront character in The Office?
What legendary YouTube channel doesn’t make videos anymore? Who do you missed more?
What was the Coldest Soprano Move?
Hows it feel to be American these days?
Who's this wrong Answers only
You can only keep one, choose.
What game comes to mind?
Y’all were right, this was the most uncomfortable part of the show.
He did that
This reese's peanut butter cup was double wrapped
Opinions on Robyn?
Bye bye democracy, wave bye bye!
Stay away from America
Hardest Scenes To Watch
Who is this (wrong answers only)
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?