Best food spots in Santa Cruz?
The guy I'm dating was in a long term relationship a little over a year ago, does he need more time to heal
Ths guy I'm dating was in a long term relationship a year ago
Is a year and a half long enough for (29M) to get over a 5 year relationship?
I'm 22 and a virgin and I feel sort of embarrassed
Men who’ve slept with many women (12+), is monogamy difficult for you in relationships? Why or why not?
Am I (24F) overreacting to what (38M) said, or is this a problem? (description in comments section)
What do you wish women understood about men?
Intrusive thoughts about my attractive uncle
How do I break it off with a guy many years younger than me?
My marriage is based on lies.
Just found out my bf of 3 and a half years has been calling me by his ex gfs name
My son just told me he doesn't love me anymore and it hurts.
Ive hooked up with 70 people and I am 25(M)
I'm going to leave my fiancee for my boyfriend
what do guys actually think about while they are cuddling a girl?
Alright men lets hear it, what's the best skincare routine?
After almost 10 years, I found out my daughter is not mine, biologically.
Torn between my boyfriend and my chance to travel/work abroad
We have to give my mum 6 figures.
AITA for wanting my fiancé to have dandelion in her wedding bouquet
AITA for telling my wife she’s not barbie
My boyfriend got mad that I only spent $20 on him for a date
AITA for refusing to pressure my grandfather to give my stepsister the family diamond?