Trying to determine age of HRX217
Anyone ever driven one of these?
Making up rules
Stay safe my friends. This happened out of my station yesterday.
What’s this grass I don’t want (and how do I eradicate)
I got a boner when I saw my route 2 days ago.
Final 2024 edition with a bonus snow pic from early this morning.
A post as a reminder.
What to Expect From the Express/Ground Merger As A Ground Driver?
Job Openings
Which Apple Watch is this?
Training/Ride alongs
Amazon gaslighting on the weight
Best Christmas Lights in town.
Customers funny ashell
Pretty cool to see one of these here
Easy Day Today 🤑🤑
They need to come out and say it’s ok to urinate in the vans at stand up.
Biggest bruh moment after clockin in…
I need help identifying this phone.
Anyone know what’s up with Verizon lately?
Anyone in here work for any of the Fedex Ground delivery contractors? Would like to know how your experience is/has been?
do they really expect this from us