so this isnt normal right
Is it ok to become another laner if a lane is failing?
MB5 (mouse button 5 on gaming mouse), only MB5 refuses to work while right clicking.
Who was the new champ when you started playing league?
Anhedonia kills your sense of identity
How would you compare a narcissist discard to a bipolar discard
Do you believe you will heal?
Does anybody know the longest someone went without enjoying anything? like, for example, I went 10 years without enjoying? Anyone else who would share there experience would appreciate it. Thank you
Bipolar treatment induced severe hypersomnia
What is/was the most surprising benefit of your nobuy challenge?
How do they coke back to you?
I didn't know I have a problem but I have a problem.
What do I do with all my junk? How did/do you get rid of yours?
How Do You Responsibly Declutter Without Hurting the Environment?
I don't have much stuff but I am crazy attached to the idea of having to have a lot of money
What Simple things to add to rice that can make it a good cheap meal:
please help me
Therapy game suggestions.
Thinking on this...
Addicted to gathering knowledge but zero motivation to implementation
What is the general opinion of bipolar disorder?
Proud to say no thanks
What’s your Halloween decor if you don’t want to keep a ton of decorations in storage all year?
How to talk to and understand bipolar SO