Short 70s Slasher scene
Best schools in UK for tech
What’s in your opinion the most underrated drummer
Pray for plagues - Vocal Cover (Feedback is welcome so I know what I should improve)
What is your favorite song from LIBAD
Happy 10 Year Anniversary, V-Man!
WILD! They’re playing with a click!!!
More footage from Corey’s sister
Setlist for P&H tonight
The Negative One Won! What's the most underrated in the album?
I really want to get into singing
“It’s a fuckin stallion goose!” If you know what that’s from you are a real one
What are the heaviest songs sung by Corey Taylor that AREN'T from slipknot ?
Room available for UCLAN uni
Another angle of Clown’s ST re-imagination
What Are The Scariest Horror Books of The Past Decade?
Any good southern horror movies?
I am immature idiot buying a bass solely off looks. Help me
My oh my 😍
Looking for a 4 string around £500-800
What scream technique is used by Griffin Taylor?
Jay's (supposed) drum tech talking badly about him on Loudwire's IG post
What is your favorite track from each album?