What is the best way to get started with a PPL then go into flying airlines
JMB VL3 - Begginer plane for multi purpose ? Why not?
Best Airplane iPad Mount?
Looking for updated recommendations on a carry 9mm load for a 4" barrel
Is 1.9 inches to big? Pull-up bar…
What is your one shoe to rule them all?
Commercial Pilots and Challenge Coins
How many of you went through training with no IPad/foreflight recently?
Out of the two which one is better? I’m deciding which one to sell
First attempt at furniture and I'm damn proud of it
Opinions on this?
Concealable Soft Armor? Am I overthinking self-defense?
School me on how to install this paneling
Is an Eberlestock bando bag by itself unsafe?
Lightspeed Delta Zulu vs Bose A30
Retreating From Kursk, The Ukrainians Abandoned Some Of Their Best Weapons.
Walnut Crib I Made For My Son
I built some cubbies and finished them with a cherry frame. The entryway I built them in didn't exist 1.5 years ago.
Lift explanation
Longest you’ve ever wait to fly
pls help
Meeting students out in the wild
Need Input On How You Paid For Flight School
Need opinions about schools
To the guy in the diamond in northern Indiana today…