Found some cool shit today
Daredevil: Born Again Episode 4 Discussion Thread - "Sic Semper Systema"
Top 20 Punisher stories: Day 13
How far can he go?
Top 20 Punisher stories: Day 12
Do you think Frank is hard countered by divers like Magik or psylocke
Is Marvel Knights Returning From Joe Quesada and Christopher Priest?
Hit a deer at 70mph
When the realization kicks in
The Punisher kills the Purpleman ( Daredevil: end of days #6)
If punisher met another punisher would they be friends or try to kill eachother for being criminals?
What if they made another Punisher game?
"The truth is that the Punisher is just too fucked up for modern, socially conscious audiences. The tale of Moon Knight, a billionaire wearing a white hood to dispense brutality and death upon thugs, is far more acceptable and appealing".
What are the best “The Punisher” stories/arcs?
Shit on the ultimate comics all you want, i’m just saying The Maker has aura
5 Punisher Comics to Read to Understand What Frank Castle Is Really About
A fun one to start the day with
Top 20 Punisher stories: Day 11
Homelander vs spidey who wins?
Who’s your favorite “Dark Hero” from Marvel?
What punisher comics are in your collection?
Would you consider Christianity or Religion a major theme of the Punisher?
In your opinion do we need more healer characters? At the moment there are only 7 healers
Robbie Lawler has submitted a drug test for the UFC this week
Top 20 Punisher stories: Day 10