Don't play with Vermintide as Beastmen...
WoC can ignore reoccupation immunity, kind of
Whats the worst rule misinterpretation/misread/just flat out wrong understanding did you ever see? 1e or 2e
Third TPK in a row in Mummy's Mask! Let's go for four!
Useful and fun new magic items
How are you supposed to make money as Kislev?
They forgot to update Kairos' skill tree to buff Chaos Warriors/Chosen.
New options for Find Familiar and Find Steed/Greater Steed?
Is anyone else getting hyper aggressive AI that declares war before you even discover their faction?
Canthan Oceanic Noble skyscale skin has smaller wings than on the preview
Why do mods increase the loading time for every battle?
Wait.. so turns out I have been gifting cities to my "vassal" who arent actually my vassal (and dont like me lol), and who dont seem to exist...
The AI's ability at Dodging Artillery has gotten silly
Is Deific Obedience worth it?
In case if they ask why they breathe air in wildspace, space magic.
Love me the new Dwarves
Lifting the Bandwagon
There still should be rules in a full price book
Spelljammer content is too good
Using a siege firearm as a two-handed firearm as a large character
Rolling initiative every round + arduino?
Biiiiiiig slurp
What was I warning myself about?
I wanted to make a sequel meme for the sake of using the sequel comic
Psychic > Fire