Who else actually uses an original deck?
What is charisma again?
How do I distinguish between Data analyst work and Data scientist work?
Recommend me someone whose social style you like.
This is ridiculous.
I have two questions about communication.
What was your best experience networking for a job?
Communication roots.
Which one of you made this?
A cool guide to life changing truths
Fear of crime
Life path, career, and self-satisfaction.
When i was 16
How to improve Quick-Witted?
I found a music album I think other INTJ’s will like
How can I improve the way I receive and respond to information?
My biggest fear…
Overthinking is the final Boss for us.
What do you think about "Necessary Evil"?
How you think ab Human Nature?
I think I am done with this sub. So farewell guys gotta leave I have better things to do than ponder about MBTI.
Queue and quarrel
Any other INTJs with strong sense of empathy?
Well how do you people live life in general what is ur philosophy regarding life?