Online or story first?
Speed camera tolerances
How to teach someone how to snowboard
I almost crashed my car to get attention (TW)
[KCD2] Where would you sit?
I keep dying and I can't do anything [KCD2]
Solo 150nm XC
Can't use my right d pad
Right d pad doesn't work in zombies
I don't feel much when I'm having sex with my girlfriend
Day 2 of wisdom teeth recovery
Graphics look terrible even on max settings
Good bi-weekly server
What's your favorite thing in this game?
Don't be me. Retire as CEO before you go afk.
what is the first thing everybody is doing when they boot up gta 6
Most hated mission?
CPU help!
Question on PC performance
Laggy game after update
Can’t join any servers
Banned from discord server and DCS server
Weekly Questions Thread Jan 31
Do I need a collective to use a helicopter?