Powerful and Heartbreaking
A theory on why they heal from injuries so fast that solves a lot of unknow questions
A Man Waiting to Die
The mention of denna on NotW chapter 1
What marks the end of a Desolation?
What is a absolutely broken power
Light and Dark forces runs parallel to the forces of Nature? What does that mean?
What do you think?
We’re not going to see the Conductor until the end of the Episode, are we?
What’s the darkest mutant death in media?
What do y’all think is the next darkness
What are some of the worst theories or takes you've heard about Destiny's Lore?
How are you liking the new Battleground activity?
"Beautiful and Violent": Pyramid Script, Resonance, and Music Theory
“That one game mode” this week should just be chalked up as a failed idea
How do you think it would have been to be a deity in the new era of the Witness?
Could Superman do this or would Lightsaber blades be considered magic (being powered by Kyber Crystals and all) and therefore be able to damage him?
what does it feel like to be Finalized?
A simple way to summarize the Gardener/Winnower conflict
I can’t see the winnowere as an actual enemy(salvation edge spoilers)
Would you guys prefer to have a Nightmare or Resonance based Darkness Subclass?
Rocking that old Dead Orbit gear, what faction did you represent when they were around?
Could we see more "support frame" weapons in the future?
Imagine a season in which...
What are the Pale Heart collectibles actually doing?