Reddit Awards - Voting
Which of these childhood games are the best?
Okay so last time I asked this, everyone did yes or no questions so. Ask questions under this post except jack can you respond with 1 word (THE QUESTIONS CAN NOT BE YES OR NO)
Alright guys which incident was worse? Tiktok December 22nd incident or Instagram reels February 26th incident
Tommy luncly is disgustingly
Rate these liminal space photos I took
This scared me when I saw it idk why
Okay so my sex drive is through the roof, but i cant masturbate due to religion, is there anything I can do?
Unlisted vid
Tommy rate my playlist🥶🔥
Whats in there?
Inside louisiana swamp
Just made it the farthest I ever have! (I lost this round lol)
Average JSAL Reddit
Ask jack questions under this post, except he can only respond with 1 word (no yes or no)
How do you feel about the democrats not standing up for the 13 year old honorary secret service?
How did you feel about the speech to congress?
Americans, how did you feel about trumps speech to congress?
What year did you start watching jack
If the internet suddenly disappeared, what would collapse first ?
What's the most disturbing fact you know?
Whats the wildest place you've had sex
Whats somethings your kids are hiding from you, that you secretly know about?
Everything you eat for the rest of your life will be flavored/topped with this food/flavor, what flavor?