Traumatize your favorite cartoon fandom with one image
Who is your favorite character originally from a fighting game?
Bubbly, optimistic characters that can make friends with anyone
I just think this is kinda funny
Why did the gang feel like it was okay to camp in Beaver Hollow in the territory of the Murfree Brood?
Villains that are so well written they are hated by the audience for it
Characters who mostly always have their eyes closed
Who that’s not from Street Fighter can give Akuma (Street Fighter) the challenge he wants?
Which design trope about female characters do you dislike the most?
Characters who are popular but their source media is relatively obscure
Which Is The Real One?
Who is your favorite undead character?
Characters who are infamously known for one thing
She’s here!!!!!
I can't stop staring at it
“Wait, they’re the same person?!”
What does Gen Z think of Michael Jackson?
Your Black Lagoon Waifu?
[Pokemon FRLG]
Fortnite Leak: AOD Lara skin
Characters who most of their lines are memed
Characters whose childish personality/mindset make them scarier.
Who is your favorite Karen?
Thoughts on Tracey
Rei Hiroe’s character drawing is his strongest point.