Isang IT Expert din pala ang abogadong kinasuhan ng COMELEC. Burado na din ang posts niya sa Facebook tungkol sa automated election, particularly ang pageducate sa vulnerability ng automated election.
Who do you use the most?
Where to go next after michael tells Franklin to quit the town ?
Roblox changed the server browser player icons for games in The Hunt
Should i be a texturer again?
My game I've been working on
Hmm i wonder whats wrong with my front wheel?(its the rim thats just floating)
What does the acronym stand for? (Wrong/hilarious answers only)
why i don't get my elite challenge money
GTA V why is it installing so slow???? is this normal?
npc glitches and ends up upside down
i feel like I wasn’t supposed to see this 😭
Name this sad car
GTA5 Enhanced RTX Off vs On
Well that ain't right.
Is Trevor Aware He's In A Video Game?
Im Torn between mazda 2 and 3, practicality or dream car
Roast my Alfa
What car is that for you?
how can i access this
I Feel like this guy has been printing instead of making art and goku doesn't look right.
how can i unmirror my brush in fire alpaca?
To the people who've never played Pressure, try to name these little guys
Do you guys remember that weird DS port?