Should I buy DMC?
Who is this?
How the fuck do i kill these shitheads!!!! Im trying to escort the tourists but they keep killing me.
Why is this game so overlooked?
[Conan exiles] The Gilt, The Craft and The Lie and The Tower of the Elephant trophies
Star of Providence is good but...
Been waiting on the Animal Well doc forever!
You guys, I have a confession
saw this game in a dunkey video… can anyone help me find out what game this is?
Any tips for [Spoiler] boss?
Will star of providence come on ps5?
Star of Providence is one of the hardest games I've played in my entire life.
Is Dunkey Okay?
Finally got my son bloodborne
Is it to early to ask for a weapon tier list ?
holy fuck
AIO over my partner's views on today's society?
AIO for cutting off my parents over politics?
[Xeno Crisis] #45 Why do I never see anyone talking about this game's soundtrack? So unbelievably good.
Despite everyone on this sub begging me to not play dmc 2 I’m gonna commit anyway lol
Someone contact Papa
This is really how it goes with this game
[Discussion] Favourite Platinum/Achievement Hunter youtubers at the moment?
AIO for calling my boyfriend a creep bc he didn’t know how old I’m turning?
Whats the hate for devil may cry 2?
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?