A Parody Film For The Productivity Hacks - How To Write 30000 Words A Day
I used Adobe Animate to combine live action with an animated key, way more work than it looks.
My first animated short using Character Animator. It's about Medusa trying to find a job.
"Health Guide 2050" a look at how the future... looks
Is this any good?
I made a lamp, and I just really wanted to use it for something
Is AMD Radeon ProRender compatible with Maya 2025?
Blender constantly crashes when joining 2 objects together but doesn't crash when joining small objects. Am I doing something wrong?
Animation disappears after I create pose asset
Just an animated pirate crab made from scratch, plus a few free textures from poliigon
I'm going to get ALL the numbers on the Black List with the same draft of the same script (So far, I got a 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Any ideas how I can make this burger look more like a real burger?
I finished my donut, and then put it to good use for the summer.
Made this Animation/Live Action hybrid using a combination of Adobe Animate and After Effects, AE was especially important for coloring, reflections, etc.
How to Write 30000 Words A Day
A Parody For All The Productivity Hackers - How To Write 30000 Words A Day
Put together a live-action/animated sketch for people who've seen too many writer lifestyle productive hackers, enjoy
How To Write 30,000 Words A Day (Parody)
How To Write 30,000 Words A Day
How To Write 30000 Words A Day (Parody)
How to write 30,000 Words A Day (Animation - Live-action hybrid, with animation done in Animate)
Examples of a script where separate characters with their own distinct stories become intertwined? For example like Pulp Fiction