Concert animation---Drink and Shout---8 days to render
The crystal seed
I hope Saruman is proud. The Palantir v1
Crystal shader v2.01
Trying out Compositing Filters. Love the paint effect!
Learning Blender really humbles you
Music for visualizer
Xbox glitches
I wrote a script for midi files in blender.
Fire/water opal
Does Anyone know how I can improve my modelling?
my boyfriend cheated with my older sister.
Clear crystal procedural shader.
Soulforge hammer-
Soulforge hammer
Some people are DM’ing me about the node setup for the X-ray so here it is lmao
Flip fluid addon practice
Hey everyone, with what I have so far, how could I make my character's face look more realistic?
Is there a better way to place feathers?
1 day blockout and render challenge. Would anyone be interested in the process even if it’s not super detailed? I recorded the whole thing
Trying to achieve photorealistic renders
I made a short film using Blender
The Essence of Darkness