Just making some progress. 35 m 160 lbs currently
Coinstar find of my life
Strange Brass/Copper Item Found Metal Detecting in MN (8.23g, 4.6cm by 2.8cm)
Intriguing Unidentified Brass Object Found Metal Detecting in MN, USA
First Silver of The Year, Silver is Silver!
Clipped coin ID
Metal thing with 2 people? ID request
First coin spill found today
1hour park detecting before school!
Does this look like an S or a D mint mark?
Today’s take home
A boy and his Toad!
Picked up ONE roll of quarters with my pennies and found this 1953 S. It's my first ever silver coin!!!!! I literally don't even do quarters.
ID Help and advise please 🙏
I almost had a heart attack. Let this be a warning to you all.
Trime time!!
Taught my niece to check the return slot and this was her first haul…
A Nice Silver Dime Find by My Dad
Does anyone know anything about this coin? (Value? HISTORY?
January finds! Lots of copper!
I can’t believe what I found at a small town pawn shop
Sweet half dime
How to ID a penny like this.