His eyes... Bombardier's Eyes? 🔵🔵
Question about top box
NTD TechAngle Torque Wrench
Anyone looking for a CT861GM?
[Major Spoilers for 5 and 6] I feel like there's a bit of a double standard going on here...
Can we agree Willis was robbed in fc5
Wishlist for 7 if it happens
Am I the only one who is completely baffled by the lack of a Far Cry set In a western setting? Or hell even in a setting like No Country for Old Men. The series went stone ages before it went wild West. Another obvious layup Ubisoft can't seem to make.
Any reason for this? On the back of the jail.
beautiful evening in Holland Valley
Playing FC5 on pc for the first time, can’t complain about the graphics.
Christian Bale as the Gunslinger? He's gotten more leathery since 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
Achievement hunting
Music that brings you back to a game.
I finally found the yellow paint for a VW Harlequin paint job!
One of the cleanest explosive kills I’ve done
After finally achieving all 7 medals on all stages, I can confidentiality say this, Fuck. This. Pitch.
Is John's loading screen real place in Far Cry5?
Infamous Mode
Top box question
Update: Neighbor just bought a float plane - Please tell me about it - Thanks
It’s Friday and he got me again!
My uncle (51) has over 600 hours on FC5 Ps4. Every vehicle, weapon, etc bought. Has made over $1m, and plays it in infamous mode.
What do you guys use your "parts" drawer for?