Why Lucina is so popular on Smash?
I think Targets and Home run will be back in updates
Why didn't Felix and Sylvester just drop all of Maeve's stats to one?
If i use an amiibo day one, this will unlock the character directly?
So are you going Digital Version or Physical Version?
I think i know what Season 3 will be about
I understand William by rewatching season 1
Now that there have been a few months to digest Season 2, is it an unpopular opinion to say that Season 2 more or less completely wrecked Westworld as a show? [Season 2 Spoilers]
Something I never understood: Why was William so "bad"?, he did nothing "wrong" until the end os season 3
Season 3 confusion on Dolores character development?
Those of you who buy all the games on launch - what was your first AC game?
May they win all the 21 nominations!
[S0107] Minor Spoilers - Ford's speech to Teresa Cullen
(SPOILERS FOR S2) I have an idea of what Bernard is gonna do in the next season
I don't understand the "It's not an Assassin's Creed game" that Black Flag and Odyssey drag on , for some fans.
Ending of AC Brotherhood tying in with Origins/Odyssey? Theory for future games
Dolores Abernathy, digital, 2480x3508
Am I the only one who thinks that Season 2 was good?
Could Bernard have designed the Maze?
Alt Shift X stopped with S2E8?
Will Ford be in season 3?
'Westworld' Creators Have Had a Plan for Season 3 Since the Pilot
Why was season 2 so divisive?
New Evan Rachel Wood 25min interview about WW Season 2
Season 3 can bring back Theresa as an host