Would you ever blame a gym for your infection?
I made a post asking if it was legal to hogtie your opponent in jiujitsu, and all you uncreative uninspired hire belts told me it wouldn’t work
Dosage for bpc157 and tb 500 blend?
Peptides to help lean out.
BPC-157 did nothing for shoulder bursitis/bicep tendonitis? Did I just do the wrong protocol
New to peptides.
Those with experience with BPC-157, TB-500 or a combo, did it actually give any long term improvement?
Oklahoma City Open Mat
North Texas/Oklahoma
Justifying potential for neck injury
Genuine opinions/guidance on recovery
How in shape should I be - BEFORE - I sign up to my local Jiu Jitsu school
Vial 1ml short last shipment they shorted a vial
Half tab of anastrazole with .25 ml test cypionate 200mg per ml. Doc who really understands this stuff.
T level 1000 after 2 months on TRT.
42 year old .25 mg test cyp twice a week, progesterone cream daily, and some estrodim supp.
Help low T, estrogen seeking other methods of treatment.