Spotted in Altstetten… wtf
Prices in the EU
Builds that don't have crazy rotations?
17% of people that have played FM23 have not signed a player.
Legal to have unequal salaries?
BIDA weil ich ohne Familie heiraten will?
Blizzard's bringing its games to Steam starting with OW2. Possibly WoW as well for its initial launch?
Have you completed your professions' specialization?
New law for people living in Italy and working in Switzerland - What does it mean?
What would be your next realistic move to modernize WoW?
“When will the sword get removed” meanwhile, the centre of the planet for 10000 years…
Why does everyone know how to say “No” in German?
Climate change and elections
Evoker discord has been compiling how people are losing their mind over lack of Augmentation damage in details
Does anyone know the backstory behind this memorial in Elwynn Forest? Is this new or did I miss something?
BIDA weil ich nach Feierabend gehen will und nicht umsonst arbeiten möchte?
Coca-Cola bottle designs from 1899 to 1986.
The Swiss Seasons
Is cocaine a really big problem in Switzerland?
World of Warcraft could get more Support Classes in the future, but changing existing Specialisations is "unlikely"
Do you think we should be able to queue for mythic dungeons +0?
Opportunities for more support specs in the future?
And to think, all of this started because of the Spirit of Competition pet is going to be added to the trading post...Can't get anymore petty than that.
Your big noob mistake when you started playing WoW for first time ?
Was tun wenn potentieller AG nach jetzigem Gehalt fragt?