I was playing Dusk and just noticed this…
Why are the ropes in one corner of the ring always so thick
Underrated WrestleMania Matches
What moment in the franchise gives you chills?
What scene made you laugh out loud in the whole franchise?
When you see this avatar in multiple different twitter threads and comments you know its gonna be something really stupid
The male rex air dribbling as he walks past the basketball court has always been hilarious
Do you have a Touch? If so, what generation?
You never quite forget the first time you hear the sound of someone's head bouncing off concrete like a rubber ball
How can anyone hate this movie!?!?!?
My way or the highway
I mean, Trish’s not wrong!
Never thought I’d see Rock become so stale
One of the best Summerslam songs ever...
I think I may have a problem…
First wrestling event I ever attended
Roman vs. Rollins
Here are my Wrestlemania match Predictions on the women side if they feel like being generous
Air Dance is underrated and one of the best of the Ozzy era
Please tell me I'm not the only one who remembers Harry_skywalker from old Jurassic forums...?
Hot Take: Taker vs Batista at 23 is one of the all time best Wrestlemania matches
It's even just the little things I miss that make me love this game more
Is gta 3 on the definitive edition worth it?
GTA III classic lighting does more right than it does wrong.