New to souls games, lots of questions
Bosses from the original game in details
Second Chance
Dragon God
just finished the game on both versions, here are my toughts
Is it any bad if I kill Patches
Testing Demon's Souls Cut Enemies
Favorite Quote/NPC??
Unused cutscenes from the original game
What was the best moment for you?
I love looking at the world around Demons Souls
You get to add lore to a boss, character, or level. What do you choose?
Just finished Demon Souls and noting down my thoughts.
Unused Enemies from Demon's Souls in Details
Am I crazy if I buy a ps5 for the “soul” purpose of playing Bloodborne..
Does this archstone have any significance to the game?
Doubt about Nvidia supersampling vs native 1440p in recording
Unused characters from the OG Demon's Souls
There’s no bad souls game
massive hate for chasm of defilement
Finally got to play Demon’s Souls (2009), and why does it feel like some of the attack animations are “better”?
What is the most interesting piece of lore you discovered in the game.
Disappointed with the game
Having a hard time enjoying ds2
Demon's Souls Remake is still incredible.