Supports not connecting to model in Bambu Studio
P1S with ObscuraNox's settings is pretty much fire-and-forget
Help me with my party comp for Honor Mode
Need help for my support bard
Weapon selection for crit focused half-orc barbarian
Speed running Early game (Lv 1-5 Honor Mode)
All Bards party
Is there any reason to play cleric instead of lore bard for a spirit guardians radiating orb build?
Thrower build party composition?
Is this a decent part for my first honour mode?
Bard and Fighter
Most fun builds?
Best Phalar Aluve Shriek User?
Can you have all three planar allys at once?
How competitive is lore bard vs sword bard + dips?
Hunter Ranger / Swords Bard
What's better than a Swords Bard? (party guide)
Monk with Arcane Acuity?
Highest AC no armor build
Life cleric
Best beginner build?
First time playing through the game, would love some companion class suggestions to go alongside my Tav.
Party suggestions for Abjuration Wizard
Looking for suggestions on all-Cleric party.
Does anyone have a sorcerer and the cleric of Life build ? I'm currently level 12 so I can make changes right away