My quick phrases no longer work
Administrator on Personal Phone
POV you don’t know how to keep yourself accountable.
Bad guy for waiting a month for my order? 😃
Choose your Fighter for Iconic Creepcast Characters
Stuck in lvl 25 frost adventure
The CRUCIAL thing about Sissy that is right in front of us
Mourning the girl I could have been?
Spot the cat
Nice guy
You spot it you got it (or not)
NPS Question (DUG)
New dug giftable orders?
Your last Google search is what kills you. How did you die?
I dared my best friend to ruin my a**h*le - Part 2
I Dared My Best Friend to Ruin My A**h*le - He's Succeeding
Anyone else take an excessive amount of sauce every time you order and keep the extras?
does anyone known what this slight hump in the back of my phone is caused by?
First time this has happened
Doomsday post
Giant Heart Shaped Clip
Is it true your "not supposed" to put bananas in a produce bag for DUG?
Aaaa??? Safeway app you okay?
What could be the reason for my phone charger being cut clean in half three nights in a row?
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