Honestly, what is the appeal of alcohol?
What's a moment in human history you wish you were able to witness, and potentially change the outcome of?
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
2023 field trip photos
What's something you secretly enjoy but would never admit publicly?
What are some weird/disturbing facts about the human body that most people don’t know about?
In our day and age, what're subjects schools SHOULD be teaching?
How do you anger someone who feeds off of anger?
What's something that another person does that annoys you, but other people like?
What is something you desire in the future, but not in the present?
What was the creepiest supernatural phenomenon you've experienced that made you start believing in the supernatural (ghosts, poltergeists, demons, etc.)?
AITA for making my aunt cry?
What is the most hilarious case in which you witnessed someone receive instant karma right after they did something?
Jackass with an ego problem that needs to be exposed.
Is there a reddit that's like r/letsnotmeet but about assholes rather than creept people?
Anybody know any subreddits to post stories about crazy commissioners or entitled jackasses?